Bee's Wrap
Wrap a sandwich, cheese, produce, and cover a bowl! Use the warmth of your hands to mold the Bee's Wrap, sealing the top of a bowl, half of a lemon, the end of a crusty loaf of bread, or wrap a piece of cheese. When cool the wrap stiffens holding its shape and seal...wash and REUSE.
Bee's Wrap is made of organic cotton muslin, beeswax, jojoba oil, and tree resin. This combination of ingredients creates a malleable food wrap that can be used again and again.
Simply mold the Bee's Wrap to the top of your dish by using the warmth and pressure of your hands to create a seal. When the Bee's Wrap cools (within seconds) it holds its seal. Use the same method to wrap cheese, vegetables, bread, and baked goods.
It is not recommended for meat.

Small Bee's Wrap: 7” x 8”
Wrap half of a lemon, the end of a cucumber, half of an onion (does not hold the smell), half of an avocado, a small bowl, carrot sticks or other snack items.
Individually - $6.
Set of 3 - $17.


Medium: 10” x 11"
Cover a bowl, half of a sandwich, baked good, cheese, or half of a cabbage or cantaloupe.
individually - $7.
set of 3 - $20. |

Large: 13” x 14”
Cover a large bowl, pie dish, celery, cheese, sandwich, or half of a watermelon. |
Large Bee's Wrap 13" x 14"
Individually - $8.
Set of 3 - $22.

Bread Wrap: 17” x 23”
Great for wrapping bread, large enough for a good sized loaf of sandwich bread or specialty breads. We use it in our house for our over-sized loaves of homemade sliced bread. It is also great for covering dough that is rising, an extra large bowl or casserole dish.

Bread Wrap - $16.
